यदि आपने भी Bihar Board 12th Biology का एग्जाम दिया है और जानना चाहते है Bihar Board 12th Biology Answer Key 2025 के बारे में तो आप सही जगह आए हुए है इस आर्टिकल में आपको। 100% Correct Answer – Bihar Board 12th Biology Answer Key 2025 की दी गई है तो जल्दी से आप मिलान कर ले।

Bihar Board 12th Biology Answer Key 2025
The Bihar Board 12th Biology Answer Key for 2025 has been released on 01 February 2025. Students who appeared for the exam can now check the answer key to verify which options are correct.
This will help in assessing their performance and estimating their scores before the official result declaration. To access the answer key, visit the onlineprocess.co.in.
BSEB Class 12 Biology Answer Key 2025: Overview
बोर्ड का नाम | बिहार स्कूल परीक्षा बोर्ड (BSEB) |
Category | Answer Key |
Bihar Board 12th Biology 2025 Question Paper | Click Here |
Exam Date | 1 फरवरी 2025, सुबह 9:30 AM से 12:45 PM तक |
आधिकारिक वेबसाइट | www.biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in |
Patter of Question Paper | वस्तुनिष्ठ (MCQs) – 35, लघु उत्तरीय (Short Answer) – 10, दीर्घ उत्तरीय (Long Answer) – 3 |

Bihar Board 12th Biology Answer Key 2025
Question No. | Answer |
1 | D |
2 | D (Phenyl ketonuria) |
3 | B (Birds) |
4 | A (Dominant) |
5 | C (6) |
6 | B (Sturtevant) |
7 | D (1, 2 and 3) |
8 | A (Ribose) |
9 | D (In DNA purine comes opposite to pyrimidine) |
10 | C (In DNA every nucleotide residue has 2′-hydroxyl group in the pentose sugar) |
11 | C (Adaptive radiation) |
12 | D (Miller used oxygen, methane, hydrogen, ammonia and electric discharge at 800°C temperature in a closed flask) |
13 | A (Alec Jeffreys) |
14 | B (Operator region) |
15 | A (Ernest chain and Howard Florey) |
16 | B (Aspergillus niger) |
17 | B (It functions as immunosuppressant) |
18 | B (It is a free living bacterium) |
19 | A (Glomus) |
20 | B (William Harvey) |
21 | D (It is also called coke) |
22 | A (Metastasis) |
23 | D (In AIDS there is progressive decrease in the number of B-Lymphocytes in an infected person) |
24 | D (Secondary Lymphoid organ) |
25 | A (Rheumatoid arthritis) |
26 | A (IgA) |
27 | D (Rhino virus – Pneumonia) |
28 | A (It is caused by virus) |
29 | D (Gene cry I Ac and cry II ab) |
30 | C (Polypeptide chain – C) |
31 | B (ELISA) |
32 | B (RNA interference) |
33 | D (Vitamin – A) |
34 | C (Amplification of nucleic acid of bacteria or virus by PCR) |
35 | A (Escherichia coli) |
36 | D (DNA ligase) |
37 | A (Eco RI) |
38 | B (Anode) |
39 | D (Always presence of more than one selectable marker) |
40 | D (All of the above) |
41 | C (Lysozyme) |
42 | D (Restriction endonuclease is used for amplification of DNA) |
43 | B (Apomixis) |
44 | C (Cashew) |
45 | D (Coconut) |
46 | D (Embryo sac – 2 or 3 – celled) |
47 | C (Water Hyacinth) |
48 | A (Geitonogamy) |
49 | C (Being in the scrotum helps in keeping the temperature of the testis high) |
50 | D (Formation of heart – By the end of second trimester) |
51 | A (Spermatogonia → primary spermatocytes → secondary spermatocytes → spermatids → spermatozoa) |
52 | B (Menarche) |
53 | D (Amniocentesis) |
54 | D (Assisted reproductive technologies (ART)) |
55 | C (Gonorrhea) |
56 | A (Bamboo) |
57 | A (A type of moth) |
58 | D (increases the intensity of competition among competing prey species) |
59 | A (Competition) |
60 | B (Mutualism) |
61 | A (Slightly more than 1.5 million) |
62 | B (Johannesburg) |
63 | C (pollination) |
64 | C (Steller’s sea cow) |
65 | B (8.1%) |
66 | B (Gross primary productivity) |
67 | C (Anabolism) |
68 | B (2 – 10%) |
69 | B (with dead organic matter) |
70 | C (‘Once a weak’ pill) |
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